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大美玉龙 情定雪山 丽江玉龙雪山欢迎您

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-11-13  来源:丽江网  

▲唐新华 拍摄


▲唐新华 拍摄


      The Yulong Snow Mountain of Lijiang was accredited by the State Council of China as one of the National Key Scenic Spots in 1988. The zone covers 16 scenic spots such as the Glacier Park, Ganhaizi, the Blue Moon Valley the Yak Meadow, the Spruce Meadow, etc.

      Yulong Snow Mountain has a unique geographical location of more than 450 kilometers around the Jinsha River. From the valley at the foot of the mountain to the main peak, there are 7 vertical natural zones. The natural resources are unique. You can feel four seasons in the area from one mountain to another.

      Because there are many ethnic minorities, such as Naxi, Yi, Tibet, Miao and others, the Yulong Snow Mountain has become a tourist destination for sightseeing, folklore, ecological ,experience, recreation, scientific exploration and leisure.





      located at the east of Yulong Snow Mountain,evolved from an alp ice-corrasive lake,Ganhaizi lthe Sweet Sea Meadowl now dries up for the raise of snow line,so people call it”Dry Lake”.

      Ganhaizi is the distribution center for tourists in Yulong Snow Mountain tourism area,by providing visitors-with-food,housing,travel,transportation,entertainment and purchasing services.The golf course,at the foot of snow-capped mountain,has the longest ball road in the world with highest elevation in Asia.Tourists can also enjoy the large-scale original ecological real scenic show,Impression of Lijiang,which is made by the famous director Zhang Yimou.

      冰川公园(The glacier park)


▲唐新华 拍摄 冰川公园


      The glacier park is composed of corroded stone caves, which are relics of the Quaternary Ice Age. Thus, the park was also titled as the “The Crystal Palace of Lucerne”. This snowpack is on the hill of the northeast of the main peak, with an altitude from 4,500 meters to 4,700 meters.If you climb along the plank of the cliffs, you may have the opportunity to see the wonder of the green snow.

      The snow is of irregular form and it looks like ice towers from a distance. In the daytime when the temperature rises, the snow melts, thus, the wonder of green snow comes into being.

      蓝月谷(The Blue Moon Lake )


▲唐新华 拍摄 蓝月谷


      According to the Dongba scriptures, there was a flood in the ancient time and God Lu and Se used the boat to transfer the people to the White Water River. Then, they used the magic power to turn the boat into a blue gemstone. The gemstone was in a shape of a moon.

      Since then, a blue moon was hidden in a deep valley. The Blue Valley came into being. The Blue Moon Lake is the second large water body in the area. Walking along the lake, the shoal, the island, the stream and the sunshine will make your trip more enjoyable and pleasurable.
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